Breakfast Club

 We are delighted to working in partnership with Magic Breakfast, providing healthy breakfasts and snack to our pupils so that they are settled and ready to learn. Magic Breakfast provides us with nutritious breakfast food to ensure children start their school day in the best possible way. Breakfast gives children the energy needed for the busy school day, enabling them to focus on their lessons. We strive to ensure that no child is too hungry to learn. 

Click on the Magic Breakfast logo for information about how they make a difference for 200,000 children and young people every day. 



Breakfast Club

Every day 7:45 - 8:40 in the Hub

Cost: £2 (free and subsidised places may be available - please talk to the school office for more information)


Healthy breakfast options available (cereal, toast, fruit) and lots of ways to keep busy until the start of school.


Classroom Early Bird

Toast available for all children in school, every day in classrooms 8:35 - 8:45



Children have access to a healthy snack during each session. 



Need some tips for a stress free and nutritious breakfast? 

The National School Breakfast Programme has launched its breakfast at home area on the Family Action website.  You can find information and advice on providing low cost, nutritious, daily breakfasts at home with ideas and recipes. 

Check out their website: